butterflies in the stomach|butterfly in the stomach in English

condition of nervous tension or excitement

Use "butterflies in the stomach|butterfly in the stomach" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "butterflies in the stomach|butterfly in the stomach" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "butterflies in the stomach|butterfly in the stomach", or refer to the context using the word "butterflies in the stomach|butterfly in the stomach" in the English Dictionary.

1. During the blessing, the butterflies in Benji’s stomach disappeared.

2. The Collywobbles What's the meaning of the phrase 'The Collywobbles'? A state of intestinal disorder, usually accompanied by a rumbling stomach; for example, 'butterflies in the stomach'

3. For instance , activation in some parts of the brain can generate stimulations to the heart , butterflies in the stomach .

4. Stomach in.

5. Stomach cancers are usually Adenocarcinomas, beginning in the glandular cells of the stomach lining

6. Somebody stabbed him in the stomach.

7. Tuck in your stomach.

8. She butted him in the stomach.

9. Stomach Pancreas Brain and nervous system Leukemia and aleukemia Stomach Stomach

10. Commensals in the Intestines and the Stomach

11. The goat butted her in the stomach.

12. The attacker kicked him in the stomach.

13. The Abomasum is the “true” stomach of the cow & is similar in function to the human stomach.

14. raises acid levels in the stomach; first

15. The alimentary canal before it gets to the stomach and the stomach acid.

16. Are you tired of getting sweaty palms and butterflies in your stomach in social situations? Use this guide to say sayonara to shyness.

17. Stomach Bloating actually exacerbates a normal function of the stomach – expansion

18. She gave me a poke in the stomach.

19. MyAsthenia gas´trica weakness and loss of tone in the muscular coats of the stomach; atony of the stomach.

20. The sight of the greasy stew made his stomach turn / turned his stomach.

21. I felt woozy in my stomach.

22. Stomach Creases are the horizontal lines which develop in the skin of the stomach and are visible on removing clothes

23. Bloating occurs in your abdomen (stomach)

24. He was kicked in the stomach and the groin.

25. Gastric Atony: Atony in the stomach and failure to contract normally, causing a delay in movement of food out of the stomach